Subanutica is a great exploration game, but sometimes you just get stuck or you want to debug something. That is why console commands were created for the game. These are often referred to as cheats or cheat codes by many players. Since Subnautica is a single player game, these cheats or “hacks” will not ruin the gaming experience for other players, so do not worry using these commands, they were put in the game by the developers. However, you should not use them if you want to continue earnings archievements, since using commands will disable archievements.
The commands can be used for fun and enjoyment, but also for debugging or testing your graphics card. The full list of commands can be found below.
WARNING – READ BEFORE USING ANY COMMANDS: Be sure to SAVE YOUR GAME before using any of the commands, since using cheats or commands will disable Achievements for that session.
How to use Subnautica cheats and console commands
Before you can start using all the commands below, you will have to enable the developer console.
How to activate the console
- Press
to bring up the developer menu - Press
to enable you to use your mouse cursor - Toggle “Disable Console” off
How to type in commands on PC
To bring up the input box to type in the commands, you will need to press one of the following keys, which one depends on your language and keyboard.
How to type in commands on Xbox One
To bring up the input box:
Add developer option for easy access to commands without typing:
Subnautica Cheats and Commands
General Commands
[NAME] = Variable, can be an item, object or creature
[#] = Number or value
[x] [y] [z] = Coordinates: x = East & West, y = Altitude, z = North and South
Command | Description |
item [NAME] [#] |
clearinventory | Deletes everything in your inventory. |
spawn [NAME] [#] |
cure [#] | Cures you and all creatures in a specified range of the Kharaa Bacterium. |
infect [#] | Infects you and all creatures in a specified range with the Kharaa Bacterium. |
playerinfection [#] |
sub cyclops | Spawns the Cyclops in front of you. |
sub aurora | Spawns the Aurora behind you. |
filterwater | Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate a Large Filtered Water. |
filtersalt | Causes every Water Filtration Machine on the map to instantly fabricate Salt. |
vehicleupgrades | Gives you every common vehicle module. |
cyclopsupgrades | Gives you every Cyclops module. |
seamothupgrades | Gives you every Seamoth module. |
exosuitupgrades | Gives you every Prawn Suit module. |
exosuitarms | Gives you every Prawn Suit arm. |
spawnloot |
toolsloot |
madloot |
bobthebuilder |
resourcesfor [NAME] |
ency [NAME] |
damage [#] | Sets damage multiplier to your choice. |
instagib | Toggles instagib mode (instant kill). |
invisible | Creatures will ignore you completely. |
filterfast | Reduces the time Water Filtration Machines take to filter. |
fastscan | Reduces the scanning time when using the Scanner. |
fastgrow | Plantable flora will grow within a few moments when placed in any type of planter. |
fasthatch | Eggs will hatch within a few moments after being placed in an Alien Containment. |
fastbuild |
nocost | No cost for building things. Toggles unlimited, free use of the Fabricator, Habitat Builder, Mobile Vehicle Bay, Vehicle Upgrade Console, and Modification Station whether you have the required the items or not. |
noenergy | Unlimited energy. Toggles power usage for all vehicles, tools as well as the Seabases. |
nosurvival |
oxygen | You do not lose oxygen while underwater. Toggles loss of oxygen when underwater. You will regain oxygen normally. |
nitrogen | Toggles longer underwater time and adds the factor of decompression sickness if not careful. |
radiation | Disables radiation. |
fixleaks | Fixes the Aurora’s radiation leaks in the generator room. |
leak | Creates leaks inside every Cyclops on the map. |
flood | Floods every Cyclops on the map. |
damagesub | Damages every Cyclops on the map. |
destroycyclops | Destroys every Cyclops on the map. |
restorecyclops | Converts every Cyclops wreck on the map to a functional (but damaged) state. |
vfx cyclopssmokeeffect [#] | Generates the Cyclops smoke effect. Can be toggled from values 0 to 1. |
bubbles | Spawns several air bubbles around you. |
seaglide | Spawns an unpowered Seaglide in front of you. |
dig [#] |
unlock |
lock |
unlockall | Unlocks all blueprints. |
unlockdoors |
Event Commands
Command | Description |
countdownship | Starts the countdown for the explosion of the Aurora’s dark matter reactor. |
explodeship | Starts the explosion of the Aurora’s dark matter reactor. |
restoreship | Returns the Aurora to its original form. Turns on radiation as well. |
startsunbeamstoryevent | Activates the Sunbeam story event. |
sunbeamcountdownstart | Activates the Sunbeam countdown. |
precursorgunaim | Plays the entire Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event. |
playsunbeamfx | Plays only the second part of the Quarantine Enforcement Platform shooting down the Sunbeam event. |
infectionreveal | Plays the animation of the player realizing he is infected with the Kharaa Bacterium.Be warned that triggering this command affects the player’s infection stage to 4. |
forcerocketready | Allows the Neptune Escape Rocket to be launched without disabling the Quarantine Enforcement Platform. |
Technical Commands
Command | Description |
| Change the game mode. |
day | Sets the time to day. |
night | Sets the time to night. |
daynightspeed [#] | Sets the day/night cycle speed multiplier (default 1). A value of 2 will make the day/night cycle twice as fast. A value of 0.5 will make the day/night cycle 2 times slower. |
cinematics | Toggles cinematics on/off. |
debugsound | Toggles sound. |
entreset | Reloads all assets of the game (except for terrain). |
gamereset | Resets the game, including your inventory and position, to when it was last saved. |
farplane [#] | Changes your viewing distance (default is 1000). |
fog | Toggles fog on/off. |
fov [#] | Toggles your camera zoom (5-60), 60 is the default. Different types of lens framing such as flip, upside down, telescopic effect and so on, are found in the values from 5 to 500,000. |
freecam |
fps | Shows the FPS counter. |
nobloom | Removes bloom. Game restart is needed to re-apply. |
noshadows | Removes shadows. Game restart is needed to re-apply. |
printbiome | Shows on screen what biome you are currently in. |
sizeref | Spawns the “Wasabi One” diver. Can be used as a size reference. Must be looking at the terrain. |
speed [#] | Sets the game speed multiplier (default 1). A value of 2 will make gameplay twice as fast. A value of 0.5 will slow gameplay by 50%. |
target | Toggles target debugging. |
schoolfishai | Toggles the AI of a Shoal of Fish |
vsync | Toggles VSync on/off. |
vr | Toggles VR. Options: None, Stereo, Split, Oculus, Morpheus. |
Teleport and Warp commands
Command | Description |
biome [NAME] |
warp [x] [y] [z] |
warpforward [#] |
batch [x] [y] [z] |
warpme | Teleports you to the Cyclops, a Seabase, or Lifepod 5 depending on which you last entered. Good command if you have gotten stuck. |
goto [NAME] |
List of places: Warning: Teleporting into the Aurora’s rooms may cause the entities to not load.
spawn | Respawns you a small distance away. |
randomstart | Teleports you into Lifepod 5 and respawns Lifepod 5 at one of its initial spawn point locations at random. |
kill | Respawns you instantly inside the lifepod. Warning: Do NOT use on Hardcore game setting. |
We hope you found this list of commands and cheats useful. If you know of any commands currently NOT on this list, then please leave a comment below so we can add it.
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