Fortnite Season 3 Week 1 Challenges

Fortnite Season 3 Week 1 Challanges

With season 3 a lot of new challenges has been added to Fortnite Battle Royale. Upon completing the challanges, you will earn additional XP and unlock Battle Tiers faster. Completing all challenges for each week will grant you 4000 XP. These are only available if you purchase the Battle Pass.

Here we have listed all the challenges as well as how to complete the challenges the easiest way possible.

Season 3 Week 1 Battle Pass Challenges


1. Deal Damage with Pistols to opponents

In this challenge you have to deal 500 damage to other players using only a pistol. It is not necessary to kill anyone, as long as you do damage.

How to: this challenge is pretty straightforward, just jump down somewhere, pick up a pistol and shoot at the enemies.

If you are not familiar with the map, you can download the Fortnite map here.

2. Search Chests in Pleasant Park

This challenge requires you to open hidden chests at the Pleasant Park location.

Chest can be found at these locations:

  • Inside Attics (the most common)
  • In the middle of the soccer field
  • Inside the garage
  • Gizibo in the center of town
  • Down in the cellar of one home
  • Inside the dog houses

Below is a complete map of Fortnite (v2.0) for reference.

Fortnite Map 2.0

3. Revive Players

This challenge requires you to revive 5 teammates in total.

How to: we recommend that you go into the new 20-player squad mode, as there will be a much higher chance to be a lot of teammates to revive here. Just make sure to land the same place as your squad.

4. Visit a Llama, Fox, and a Crab

You need to visit three big wood structures, a Llama, Fox and a Crab. Just look at the locations on the map and land there to secure the challange.

  • Llama – Location: B1 (North of Junk Junction)
  • Fox – Location: J3 (East of Wailing Woods)
  • Crab – Location: H10 (South of Moisty Mire)

Visit Llama, Fox and Crab

5. Follow the treasure map found in Dusty Depot

In Dusty Depot you will find a map on a wall that will tell you where the location is. You do not need to visit Dusty Depot, as you can just visit the location.

Location (D8):


The “treasure” is located in D8 south of Shifty Shafts. It will not show up before you are very close.

When you get closer to it, the treasure will show up as a symbol like this:



6. Sniper Rifle Eliminations

To complete this challenge you have to get two kills with any sniper rifle.

7. Eliminate opponents in Fatal Fields

In this challenge you will have to kill three enemies in Fatal Fields.

Go into solo and quickly head for Fatal Fields and try to kill the enemies before they kill you!