List of Fortnite Scrim Discord Servers

If you are looking to get better at Fortnite, a good place to start is by joining scrims (scrimmage/skirmish). Tfue is known for hosting scrims, but there are also many other alternatives out there. We have made a list of some of the biggest Fortnite scrim Discord servers out there.

We will keep updating the list. If you have any suggestions, please leave a comment on this page.

The Discord servers have different requirement and rules. We will list some of the requirements here, but also make sure to read the rules upon joining the Discords.

ProSettings DiscordAllAllNone+170,000Join Discord server
NA PC ScrimsPCNA East + NA WestNone+45,000Join Discord server
EU PC ScrimsPCEuropeNone+35,000Join Discord server
OCE PC ScrimsPCOceania/AsiaNone+8,000Join Discord server
Fortnite Console ScrimsXbox + PlayStationNA + Europe + OceaniaNone+60,000Join Discord server
YoGaming DiscordAllAllNone+30,000Join Discord server
Tfault ScrimsPCNASubscribe to Tfue+36,000See requirements
Atlantis ScrimsPCNA EastVerify and link your EPIC games account+130,000Join Discord Server

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